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Friday, October 19, 2012

it's 5k EVE!!!

Hey y'all!!

I hope everyone has had an amazing week!!  I love coming home to visit my parents, it's like a little mini vacation.  I don't have to cook or clean, I usually get presents, and I am basically the center of attention.... DREAM :)  While all that is great, I really do love getting to spend time with my parents and sister, sometimes living a few hours away is hard.  We have always been a super close family and I really miss the day to day stuff, just laughing, talking, watching tv, making fun of each other..... it's the tits :)  So heading home tomorrow will be bitter sweet, but I do miss my pups and man!!

So, I am back in the game officially as of today!!  Last weekend I fell completely off the bandwagon with eating and working out, and this week was only slightly better.  I only did the shred once and today was my first run since Sunday, and eating, let's just say I ate.  So, I stepped on the scale today and was up 4.4 lbs.... boo!  I know I can't really blame it on my period since I have not gained once during my time of the month since starting this journey.  I know some of it is water weight, but I guess alot of it has to do with the return of fatty mcfat-ass.  It was exactly what I needed!  I started today like it was the beginning again, and very highly motivated!  My wedding is in just over a year and I can't lose focus on the prize!  While this change is NOT about my wedding day, it's what I think about when I start to lose focus.  So keep me accountable! and by the end of October I WILL officially down 50lbs, guaranteed!

Tomorrow is my first 5k!!!  I am pretty excited and nervous, especially after I have bombed the past week, but I know it's going to be great no matter what!  I am doing it with my best friend, Christina, who I don't get to see as much as I'd like to... which is basically every day, and it is for a great cause!  I can't wait to meet some amazing breast cancer survivors, run my heart out, and, of course, get my free t-shirt.... not gonna lie, I am rediculously pumped about the shirt!!  I hope this is only the beginning of my running journey and I can't wait to share the aftermath with you guys!!

Wrapping it up, I promise... I went to Kohl's  yesterday and got a great jacket and a great pair of ankle boots after realizing my calves are still too fat for real boots for $43!!!  Thank you, Kohl's cash and amazing sales!!  Then my Grandma gave me her kohl's cash, so I already have $10 off my next purchase!  I just had to share with you guys!!  I love Kohls, it is probably my favorite place to shop.... even though I don't shop all that much for now!

please excuse the crummy pic, I had been up for like 24 hours straight and had 4 day hair... yikes!
I'll let y'all know how the run goes!  Also, tomorrow is Ryan's birthday dinner, he's going to be the the big 27!  He hasn't decided where he wants to go yet, but please send me all of your willpower, I'll probably need it :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend, can't wait to stalk read about them!


  1. I'm sure you have already ran your 5k and I'm sure you ROCKED IT! :) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. How did the 5K go? I'm sure you rocked it's face off!
    Also just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award! Follow my link to my blog to read all about it!

    Thanks =]

  3. I can't wait to hear all about your 5K!!
