Firstly, when I got to work last night I got TERRIBLE report on my patients... the nurse was just like la dee dahh 3 is a little confused. okay, have a great night!!! Needless to say, she was not back for me to KILL this morning. As soon as I walk in my patient's room I can tell he is batshit crazy... 20 minutes later I find a bed pan filled with liquid shit flung across the room. Not the best start to our relationship.... I can handle most anything the nursing world throws at me... bleeding from the head... awesome! 7 gunshot wounds... I wanna play! Impaled with a 2x4?? All over it! Need someone to hold pressure in the carotid artery or you are going to die.... I'm your gal! If you poop or have a nasty lougie cough.... I'm gonna vomit. Mix that with screaming and cussing at me calling me every dirty name in the book and refusing to stay in bed despite being tied to it AND being given enough meds to kill a horse and I'm pretty much over you. And then my poor other patient decides he's had enough at 5 am and we get to do all kinds of crazy stuff to you up until shift change... BLAH!!! So if anyone has any new career suggestions for me, I'm all ears!! Not really, I like my job, it is the perfect mix of challenging and getting to be lazy.... last night was just one of those nights.
Secondly, I get a text from my future mother in law saying she wants to discuss their upcoming overnight visit next week so if I could please call her.... I guess she couldn't wait til this evening. She then proceeds to send me another text asking if she can clean my house for me while she is here. For some reason this strikes a nerve with me. I honestly don't think she meant for it to come out as "your house is a damn pig pen and I can't stand to be there in it's current condition. Why can't you keep house as good as me, even though you work a full time job.... YOU SUCK at life and don't know how to be a good wife to my son " But that is how I take it. I didn't even know how to respond to the text. She worded it nicely, saying that she enjoys cleaning and that Ryan and I work so hard that we deserve a maid sometimes, but I just don't know. So what am I going to do?? Ignore it and bust my ass on my next days off to have the house effing glistening when she arrives!! Maybe I'm over-reacting, but it really just irked me.... plus any time she has cleaned she hasn't done things "my way" and that bothers me too because I have to hunt for my things or redo what she did... Ugh, maybe I'm just being a mean bitch... thoughts? And I'm not a mother in law basher, I really do love Ryan's mom. She is so sweet and I know that she truly does love me as a daughter and that goes a long way, even if she does write her birthday into my calendar so big that nothing else fits, including the 2 other birthdays that fell on that day, did not use the right color, and her handwriting does not match mine perfectly, EVEN THOUGH there are post-its next to the calendar so that dates can be written down for authorized people aka ME to add in!!
Oh look, her son does it too.... with his serial killer handwriting! and FYI, sir, I don't need "conquer the galaxy" written on my list because I get that shit done on the daily!!! yea, I'm that tired
On a positive note, since I'm even getting tired of the grumpiness of this post.... I got back into my meal prepping and clean eating last night after a few off days that made me feel like garbage on top of getting all bloated and gaining 4 lbs. I prepped up all my lunches for work, smoothies for before bed, and chopped up veggies for omelets since I can't find my muffin tins to make those little baked egg muffin thingys and guzzled my water like there were unicorns in the bottom of the bottle. I even decided that yesterday was a good day to start 30DS Level 2 again! I won't be doing it today due to being physically and mentally exhausted from the thought of having to go back to work tonight (unless I somehow manage to wake up early) but it feels good to be REALLY sore! I love how working out makes me feel, and I wish I would remember that every time I chose to watch TV or binge eat instead.
Cajun baked tilapia, roasted zucchini, grapes, a cutie, triscuits with a laughing cow spreadable = YUM!
And don't forget to sign up for the Secret Santa Swap!! It's going to be oodles of noodles of fun!! You have until Monday, December 2 to sign up!! Just email me (jenadams426@gmail [dot] com) your name, address, link to your blog, and a lil something something about what makes Christmas amazeballs to you!!!
Okay, well I'm off to crash. I hope y'all have an awesome Friday and weekend! Don't forget to watch Alabama stomp all over Georgia so that we can win back to back national championships!!!